Zoom vs Prime Lenses for Street Photograpy
What is the best lens to use for street photography? is it a prime lens and if so what focal length? Is it a zoom lens and if so what focal range? When would you choose a zoom lens over a prime and a prime over a zoom? Is there a best focal length for street photographers to use?

This was shot with the Sigma 18-50 f2.8 lens from across the gap at Queen Street Station in Toronto
I have used prime lenses and zoom lenses for street photography and at times one or the other were my preferred choice. Is there a best option. In my opinion, Yes there is, but lets save that for the conclusion and look at the merits of both primes and zooms.
Zoom Lenses for Street Photography
A zoom lens provides additional flexibility as you have a range of focal lengths at your disposal. As you are walking about if you need additional reach or want to take advantage of compression with a longer focal length you can easily do that. Conversely it is equally easy to get a wider more environmental shot by zooming out.
When using a zoom lens it is necessary to accept compromises in aperture and sharpness. Zoom lens rarely allow for faster apertures such as f1.2, f1.8, or even f2. The kit lens provided by most cameras uses a variable aperture often ranging from f2.8 to f5.6 which means that you won't be able to use that lens in low light. If you rarely do street photography at night or in low light situations this is not a concern for you.
Additionally zoom lenses tend to be larger and heavier than prime lenses. Carrying a heavy lens around all day can lead to fatigue, and a larger lens increases the odds of getting noticed by your subject.
If someone is pixel peeping and criticizing the sharpness of my photo then I've failed as a photographer in taking an image that is captivating and interesting.
Another concern for many photographers is the sharpness of their images. While it is true that zoom lenses are less sharp than primes, modern zoom lenses are more than sharp enough for street photography. We're not doing portraiture or landscapes where sharpness is paramount. The quality of a street photograph is in the composition and subject matter not how sharp a lens is. In my opinion if someone is pixel peeping and criticizing the sharpness of my photo then I've failed as a photographer in taking an image that is captivating, interesting, and tells a story.
I use a zoom lens for street photography when I am on holiday and want additional flexibility for travel/vacation photos while keeping my kit small and lightweight. I have taken streets shots in both London and Paris with my zoom lens when visiting on holiday.

This shot was taken while riding the hop on hop off bus in London with my Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 lens.

My favourite shot from Paris is this couple getting a selfie with the Mona Lisa. Shot with Fujifilm 10-24mm F4 at 24mm
I will, additionally, take a zoom lens out on a photo walk when I'm not sure what or where I intend to shoot that day. Using a zoom lens has great flexibility but the trade off is in reduced sharpness and a slower lens.
Prime Lenses for Street Photography
Prime lenses on the other hand are more limited in that you can not zoom in or out of the scene except by using your feet. Additionally primes are generally better optically than zoom lenses, sharper, and less prone to vignetting.
Another con of using prime lenses is that if you like to shoot at more than one focal length, you need to buy multiple lenses which is very expensive. Additionally if you want that flexibility when out on a walk, then you need to carry extra lenses and have to deal with the hassle of swapping lenses or bringing an extra body. At this point it's probably better to use a zoom lens.
Where a zoom lens shines, for street photography, is not in how sharp or fast it, but rather in how the limitations of a fixed focal length can sharpen your focus.
Where a zoom lens shines, for street photography, is not in how sharp or fast it, but rather in how the limitations of a fixed focal length can sharpen your focus (pun intended) when out shooting. By limiting yourself to one focal length you have reduced options to shoot this will, counterintuitively, lead to more keepers.
Over time using a single focal length you will learn to see in that focal length which will ensure that you are more able to quickly take in a scene and visualize the shot and composition you want. Essentially the lens will become and extension of your eyes.

Shot with a manual 35mm prime lens. This lens is fast allowing for a shallow depth of field and bokeh when shot wide open.
When shooting at night or in low light, prime lenses truly shine. A prime lens usually has a wider aperture which when wide open allows more light in and at night light is at a premium. If you do not shoot at night, then this will be less of a concern. However, should you start going out for more night photography, investing in a fast prime lens would be advised. Fujifilm makes a line of affordable F2 prime lenses including the XF 18mm, XF 23mm, and XF 35mm.

Shoot on a fast manual lens allowed me to get this group selfie shot at a halloween street festival.
The Best Option
Looking above we can see that prime lenses have more benefits than zoom lenses. Are primes the best option? Yes and no.
Novice Photographers
For novice photographers I recommend that they use the kit lens that comes with their camera for the first six months or longer. The reason for this is that as a new photographer you won't know whether you tend to shoot close up or zoom in. Once you've used your camera for several months you'll notice a pattern where a larger portion of your shots will be at the wide end of the lens or at the telephoto end. Once you know what you like to shoot, you can buy a prime lens that suits your style.
Experienced Photographers
For more experienced photographers the best option will be a prime lens at the focal length they use for street photography. As mentioned above for crop sensors that will likely be one of the 18mm, 23mm, or 35mm (full frame equivalent of 28mm, 35mm, 50mm).
The two prime lenses I use the most for street photography are the 16mm f1.4 (24mm full frame) and the 23mm f2 (35mm full frame). My 16mm lens is a beast: It's large and heavy so I'm not using it as much as I have in the past and have gravitated more towards the 23mm f2 lens. It's small and lightweight.

The 16mm f1.4 lens is significantly larger and heavier (375g) than the 23mm f2 lens (180g). The size and weight will factor in how often you take a lens out.
My next lens purchase will likely be a pancake lens for the ultimate in lightweight street photography.
Budget permitting get a prime lens and you won't regret it. However if budget is a concern, don't get caught up in GAS (gear acquisition syndrome). A zoom lens will take great shots. The key is to enjoy photography and to get out there and shoot.